The Education Hotel has teamed up with a team of experts in exam marking, to be able to offer you GCSE and A level mock papers that are marked with feedback!

This process is as easy as:

Book the marking service directly here. This will ensure that your papers are marked in a timely manner

Complete your mock exam at home and send it to us to be marked

Once marked, we will email you the feedback and where you need to focus to progress.

An example of our feedback (click to see more)

Exam Marking FAQ
Q. How much does it cost?
A. This depends on how long your exam takes. For papers up to 2 hours, the cost will be £55 and beyond the cost is £65.
Q. Will the paper be supplied to me?
A. Yes, our team will source and supply your paper so that it is a surprise to you. This will be taken from the exam board directly. If you wish for us to design a novel paper, please email
Q. When will the feedback be returned to me?
A. Our service takes 10-15 working days. If you have a particular deadline, please let us know and we will do all we can to work with you, especially during the exam period.
Q. What is the point of your exam marking?
A. The Education Hotel’s exam paper marking service provides great feedback and helps identify your weak areas to help target your revision. The exams are marked by our experienced team, providing comprehensive feedback and analysis.
Q. What subjects are available for marking?
A. We are able to mark all mainstream subjects and exam boards using markers with current and moderated official experience of the main public exam boards.
Q. Can I remain anonymous?
A. All our marking services are conducted anonymously. This allows us to offer an unbiased reflection of progress and protect your data. Our markers are not aware of who you are and we also protect their identity.
Other questions? Email for more information

An ‘at a glance’ of what to expect

  • You purchase the GCSE or A level marking service and let us know the subject, level and paper that you require us to source. Please note that our papers mimic the exam board so we cannot change the timings or combine papers together.
  • We send though your requested paper(s) for you to complete at home, along with instructions for submission
  • You send your papers by email/scan to our dedicated email address.
  • We will check and prepare your papers before passing to our examiner(s) for marking.
  • We return results to you by email when completed.

You may repeat the process as and when you require for any number of papers. There are no subscriptions or ongoing commitments.