As our expert personal statement tutors will tell you, the importance of thinking carefully about one’s personal statement is the first step to a successful university application. The structure of a personal statement will allow it to flow and follow a logical order to impress university admission teams, showing them that you are the right fit for their course. After all, learning to highlight your best qualities is a skill that will come in handy as an adult when it’s time to apply for a job.
Our online courses have supported many students to help them gain entrance to a university that’s the right fit for them.
Our four hour courses will equip you with the skills to:
1. Narrow down the subject, courses and university that you are interested in.
2. Convey your enthusiasm for your subject.
3. Write a UCAS personal statement.
4. Highlight your relevant experience.

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London Office: +44(0)2078 460259

It’s important to choose a University course that’s the best fit for you. This done by considering teaching methods to that will enable a student to thrive and the social aspects of a university.

By researching a university course and tailoring it to your personal statement, as well as boosting
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Oxford Office: +44(0)1865 548459
London Office: +44(0)2078 460259