How To Help Your Child Learn Their Vocabulary for 11+ or 13+

Whether you have a reluctant reader or a child who loves to get lost in fantasy books, vocabulary and its importance in the 11+ and 13+ is never far from

How To Make The Best Of A Forced Gap Year

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Project based learning: The USA

The White House, Thankgiving, The Empire State Building, Disney, The Grand Canyon - there are lots of things that the USA has popularised. If you are going on holiday to

Wiki Expert Interview

CLICK HERE TO VISIT WIKI-EXPERT   Jemma Zoe Smith is the Director of the Education Hotel. She holds 3 degrees from Oxford University and is a qualified Teacher who also

What To Do Now? Year 11

Parents - Your child in year 11 has been off of school for 3 days because of COVID-19 and now without the GCSE exams to motivate them, they are bored.

COVID-19 Exam Cancellation: Our Initial Thoughts

The Department for Education released a statement about exam cancellations in the wake of the coronavirus. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE STATEMENT   Below are our thoughts on these most

What To Do Now That GCSE & A-level Exams Have Been Cancelled?

With the shock announcement on the 18th March that GCSE exams during May and June 2020 will be cancelled, many GCSE and A-level students have been left in a state

Supporting Your Child At Home

Your child is sick, has had an accident or is refusing to go into school. Perhaps you are starting to consider home educating, or withdrawing your child from school. Whatever

The Education Hotel on BBC Radio Oxford – Coronavirus

Our Director Jemma Zoe Smith was on BBC Oxford this morning discussing how parents can support their family’s education at home during the Coronavirus outbreak! 🦠 How can The Education Hotel help? If

Studying with COVID-19: Dinosaurs

With schools across the world closing and parents working from home during the global COVID-19 pandemic, many parents are finding themselves more involved in their children’s education than ever before.