Template emails
Whilst taking tuition with The Education Hotel, you may need to communicate with the office, or your tutor and let us know about a change in circumstances. We have included some standard email templates to help you to do this quickly and efficiently
Emails to send to your tutor
Whilst taking tuition with The Education Hotel, you may need to communicate with the office, or your tutor and let us know about a change in circumstances. We have included some standard email templates to help you to do this quickly and efficiently
Email to provide notice that you are stopping tuition indefinitely
We ask that you copy info@educationhotel.co.uk into this email
Email to provide notice that you are pausing tuition, but will be re-starting at a later date
We ask that you copy info@educationhotel.co.uk into this email
Email to restart tuition with your previous tutor after taking a break
We ask that you copy info@educationhotel.co.uk into this email
Email to query a payment
If you notice that you have been billed incorrectly, please send this email asap to your tutor.
Please also cc accounts@educationhotel.co.uk into this email
Please note that from Jan 2023, all clients will be billed after each lesson. This is due to regulatory changes in the UK. You will recieve an email from Tutorcuncher after each lesson is complete and this will include the lesson report and invoice. You will also be automatically charged after a time delay.
Emails to send to The Education Hotel Team
We ask that you copy us into any email that is sent to your tutor, however there are times that you may wish to email us without including your tutor.
Email to request tuition for another subject/ sibling or friend
Email to feedback about your tutor (positive)
We send our tutors a certificate of recognition when a client contacts us to thank their tutor. If you would like to nominate your tutor for this certificate please send us this email.
Do you want to speak about your child’s progress / ask questions about how you can spport them at home or speak to us about upcoming exams? Don’t forget to book your strategy call with us!