Moving education systems can be difficult. English language competence is just one of the areas that a new school may ask your child to provide in their journey to the UK.

English is often described as the ‘world’s language’ Becoming confident in speaking English is an important skill in the 21st century. If you are thinking of sending your child to a British school, then brushing up on your child’s English Language abilities is not only important for their wellbeing and enjoyment, but also instrumental during the interview process and entrance exams.

At The Education Hotel we offer lessons with engaging tutors from the highest academic backgrounds. Our tutors bring English to life, making lessons fun and engaging by practising real world scenarios where English is used. We also support student for all levels of English language exams

UKISET / CAT4 English language

Before entering a UK school, your child may be asked to sit for their CAT4 or UKISET test.

The UKiset is taken by students between the ages of 9 and a half and 17 years 11 months and, if needed, they can take the test more than once (but there is a six month gap in between). UKiset has 3 parts –

  • Section 1. Reasoning (45 minutes)
  • Section 2. Cambridge English Test (30 minutes)
  • Section 3. English essay writing (30 minutes)

CAT4 is often used if a student is entering a school midway through the academic year, or at a non traditional entry point CAT4 has several levels A to E, which are taken from when students between tha ages of 6 and 17years 11 months. A CAT4 test is usually not retaken.  CAT4 has 4 main parts:

  • Verbal Reasoning – problem solving with words
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning – interpreting shapes and space
  • Quantitative Reasoning – problem solving with numbers
  • Spatial Reasoning – moving and visualising shapes and space


If students are applying to a UK university from overseas, many universities will ask for their IELTS score. This lets universities know how proficient a student is at the English language. Top School & Uni helps students prepare for their IELTS test every year.

Conversational English

Does your child want to speak fluently to others, or to have a telephone call in English? Are you worried about your child starting a new school or university because of their language skills? Our tutors can help with 1:1 tutorials tailored towards the skills that students want to gain.