With the shock announcement on the 18th March that GCSE exams during May and June 2020 will be cancelled, many GCSE and A-level students have been left in a state of limbo.
Whilst we wait for more information about how the next year is going to pan out, The Education Hotel’s has advice for getting ahead for students in years 10, 11, 12, and 13!
If In Year 10 or 12 Forge Ahead
You will be expected to have covered two years worth of material by the time you take your GCSEs or A-levels. As such you will need to ensure that you have covered the material this year. Get hold of the specification online and start ticking off what you have covered in school.
Whilst the idea of school predicting grades may cause many students to jump for joy, others will be disheartened. If you were predicted poor grades (or your school has not predicted grades) you may be more worried. Traditionally there have been exam resits in November of each year and it does not appear that these are disappearing. You may still get the chance to do well in your exams so don’t sit back for too long.
Getting Ahead
For year 11 students who are looking to take A-level or IB courses in sixth form, now is the time to look ahead. Consider doing some preparatory learning for the new courses that you will be taking next year.
Project-Based Learning
For year 10, 11 and 12 students (and some yr 13) students, this period of school closure could be an opportunity to show universities something really interesting that you have done. With the GCSE May/June exams cancelled, you have time to take an online university course or do wider reading or take on a creative project such as setting up your own website. This will make your personal statement stand out when it comes to applying to top UK and international universities
The Education Hotels online tutors can support in any of these suggestions above as well as supporting families with home learning during school closures. visit our COVID-19 support page: CLICK HERE
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