Thank you for booking your Year 5 11+ English Success Programme trial.
Please read the instructions below very carefully:
As per the booking instructions, during term time trials must be taken within 7 days of booking. This means that you will be expected to attend the next available class. If you book a trial outside of the class term time, or in the holidays, you will be required to wait until the course begins and will take your trial on the first day that the classes resume.
Our trials are a way for your child to see if they would like to join our group programme, and for our tutors to work out if your child will fit into the group programme. We regret that there are times where a child may not be a good fit for the programme and we will have to ask you to find another option for learning.
Please read all the way to the end of the page, which includes information about how to continue with our group programme after your trial lesson.
Our terms runs:
11th Sept – 15th December (1 week break for Oct half term 23rd – 27th October)
15th January – 25th March (1 week break for Feb half term 12th – 16th February)
15th April – 19th July (1 week break for May half term 27th – 31st May)
Please read all the way to the end of the page, which includes information about how to continue with our group programme after your trial lesson.
January: 17th, 24th
February: 31st, 7th, 21st, 28th
March: 6th, 13th, 21st, 27th
Time 6pm -6:50pm
To enter the class simply click the Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 838 6676 3914
Class expectations:
For our online success sessions, we do not provide children books and pens but we ask that you purchase a notebook that your child brings to their session. As this programme is focussed toward the 11+ exam this pad will provide a brilliant resource for revision nearer to the time of their exams. Please ensure your child captures everything within this pad, using paper can easily get lost easily and will make it hard to recap information.
There will be no eating whilst the tuition takes place; we do allow drinks of water.
We offer 1 piece of homework per lesson for members taking the full group programme, which is reviewed by video in the booster class. We do not offer this homework for trial students.
Please be ready to begin the lesson at the correct time. Please be prompt to the lesson – we will not admit anyone who is late by more than 5 minutes as it disrupts the lesson.
After the trial:
Once your trial is completed we will email you to confirm if your child has been accepted onto the programme. At this point you will be introduced to our reporting and billing system.
Please note:
The £1 trial offer can only be used once, to see if the group is appropriate for your child. If you enter the lesson for a second time, you will be charged £15 for this session and enrolled onto our group programme. We will assume that, as your child has joined the session, you wish to enrol on our programme.